
2017-2021 (co PI Adamantios Gafos, Univ. Potsdam) Effects of variability in infants‘ word learning and word recognition. DFG, SFB 1287.  > mehr

2015-2021 PI (co PI Gudrun Schwarzer, Univ. Giessen) Perceptual narrowing in speech and face processing. DFG, FOR 2253.

2015-2021 PI (co PIs Angela Friederici, MPI Leipzig; Isabell Wartenburger, Univ. Potsdam)
The sensitive period for associative learning of non-adjacent dependencies in verbal and non-verbal behavior. DFG, FOR 2253.

2015-2019 Coordinator
Marie Sklodowska-Curie International Training Network PredictAble, European Commission Horizon 2020.

2014-2017 PI (co PI Isabell Wartenburger, Univ. Potsdam) Ich sehe was was du nicht siehst: Common ground and contrastive information in children’s and adult’s reference resolution. DFG Priority Programme “ New Pragmatic Theories based on Experimental Evidence”.

2014-2017 PI (co PI Ranka Bijeljac-Babic, Univ Paris Descartes) Multilevel prosodic processing in a crosslinguistic perspective, Jointly funded by DFG and ANR.

2012-2019 Coordinator of Erasmus Mundus Joint International Doctorate Language and Brain Funded by European Commission.

2011-2015 PI (co PI Flavia Adani, Univ Potsdam) L1 acquisition of linguistic means for marking information structure: prosodic, syntactic and lexical aspects, Collaborative Research Group Information Structure, DFG SFB 632, C3.

2010-2013 PI (co PI Thierry Nazzi, Univ Paris Descartes), Crosslinguistic vestigations on the development of rhythmic preferences in German and French infants, Jointly funded by DFG and ANR.

2010-2013 PI (co PIs Hubert Truckenbrodt, ZAS Berlin; Isabelle Wartenburger, Univ.
Potsdam), Development of prosodic competence in early first language acquisition: Behavioral and neurophysiological investigations, DFG, SPP 1234.

2007-2011 PI, Means of focus marking in normal and disordered language cquisition, Collaborative Research Group Information Structure, DFG SFB 632, C3.

2006-2009 PI Characterizing human language by structural complexity, EU FP7, ERC, NEST 028395 CHLaSC.

2003-2007 PI (co PI Jürgen Weissenborn), Means of focus marking in normal and disordered language acquisition, Collaborative Research Group Information Structure, DFG SFB 632, C3.

2005-2008 PI (co PI Elisabeth Walch, Hospital for Pediatrics, Charité Berlin) Speech perception in preterm infants, DFG.

2005-2007 PI, The development of word segmentation skills in Turkish and German learning infants, DFG.

2003.2004 PI (co PI Jürgen Weissenborn),
The development of language processing in normal developing and language impaired children, DFG.

2000.2003 PI (co PI Jürgen Weissenborn)
The development of language processing in normal developing and language impaired children, DFG, FOR 381/1-1 and 1-2.

2001.2003 PI,
Form and function of grammatical morphemes in early language acquisition, DFG.

2000.2003 PI (co PI Jürgen Weissenborn)
Grammatical morphology in language acquisition, DFG.